Below are steps to guide you on how to use MyLobby for the first time.
To sign in as a visitor, select VISITOR when asked for “What type of visitor are you?” You can enter a fictitious name ie. John Doe” for testing purposes.
On the “Tell us about yourself” page, You can enter a fictitious name ie. “John Doe” for testing purposes.
When asked “Who are you visiting?” Use the name you registered your account with and your name will show on the dropdown list. ie.
Proceed to select your NAME as the HOST.
The app will then take your picture.(This feature can be turned ON/OFF)
This feature is useful for hosts to identify their visitors.
The app will show you a summary of the information you entered.
Select YES to confirm that all the information is correct.
The visitor is now signed in and you, as a host, will get a notification email and a text message if you provided your phone number.