Cut wait times and increase operational efficiency by providing customer service with 100% accuracy
Let visitors register themselves on our platform for fast access to help when they need it most
Reduce staffing costs while still maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction
Scan QR code to join the virtual line
As the visitor walks in, they can scan a QR code and enter the virtual queue, and do a prescreening of all the questions you want to ask that visitor. Once they complete the form, their entry will then get posted on a display board, which will allow you to direct your visitors to the appropriate desk or counter for service.
Customer service team can choose who’s next
The customer service team can choose which customer to serve by clicking on the start button. Once the start button is triggered, it will call up the individual’s name with our artificial intelligence. Also, my lobby has additional features that calculate the average time spent on each customer, which projects the wait time estimate.